Monday, April 14, 2008

Just a Monday

I am working on many projects at the moment, on the upslope of a manic cycle. The basement table is making progress. All that remains is finishing the top and beginning the painting and fiddly little details. The recent mild flood has spurred a number of additional honeydo projects around the basement: trim, flooring, drywall...all the fun stuff. With the housing market suffering, we are staying put, happily as it turns out. We need more room so we are going to make more.

Writing again: this time some short fiction, sci-fi mainly and some gaming plotlines and story arcs. I have high hopes for the next campaign. My players are enthusiastic and have spent several weeks working on character ideas and sketches and have finally begun to gel the characters more formally. We are trying some new and interesting ideas this time out and I hope that it adds to the generally great level of play. If not, out they go.

Art projects are also abounding: diorama ideas, modular scale buildings with decal skins and the painting of the odd model for old friends.

Lunch is over, back to the training CD that work has me on at the moment.

Back at it. Writing and recording went well last night.

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