Monday, November 22, 2010

The Great Autumnal Simmer Down

As winter approaches in Wisconsin we all start to hunker down a little: wrapping up tight in anticipation of gray autumn days, blustery wind and dropping temperatures. With all of the late work nights, deadlines and holiday commitments, it's easy to succumb to the "we'll just grab something" at Champion Chicken or Emperor of China on late dinner nights.

The other night, on a beer fueled lark, my buddy Cliff and I decided to take on a new cooking challenge. We were considering an all day cookout that would put a substantial stock of food in our chest freezer. Enough to provide 3-4 meals a week for our respective families through the end of winter. He is feeding an adult and child and I have 2 adults and 2 children.

This plan was a hedge against the cost and quality problem of "unavoidable takeout". No preaching, though. We love to eat out or grab carryout, but its much more fun when you want to do it rather than feeling as though your hand is forced by laziness or lack of preparation. The problem is feeding my family costs a minimum of 30-40 bucks at either place, every time. Also, while its fine to indulge occasionally, the food cannot compare to what we can make ourselves.

So, our plan was simple. Make a wide menu based on three proteins, include loads of veg, and figure out a way to do it all in a kitchen that would be at home on a submarine.

In part two we get to the food.

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