Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First Day Down.

Well. I wrapped up my previous contract at Honeywell yesterday and am simmering in a bouillabaisse of relief and tension. I miss the people already. The corporate stewpot is often misrepresented as boring and sterile, but I find the people are infinitely interesting. I'm sad to leave those interesting characters behind. Perhaps they'll crop up in a novel someday beyond the limit of my non-disclosure agreement.

The last year I learned a lot from my technical writing mentor, EVH. She was really tough on me, but the result was an awareness about what it takes to make it in the writing world. Hard work trumps creative license once again.

I have a new respect for understanding and connecting with my audience that was missing in my previous work in sales writing. Ignorance breeds contempt, I reckon. And Fleisch-Kincaid reading levels are no longer the enemy, though it was an uphill climb to recognize that one. Thanks E, just because I fought it out tooth and nail didn't mean I was not listening and learning.

Spent most of last night hanging out with two good friends and my lovely wife. We commiserated and spun yarns about resumes and infamous interviews.

One of my friends, CB is out of work at the moment as well. We've hitched our wagons to tackle a project for a third friend. It sounds interesting: if we win the contract it'll keep the wolves from the door for a couple months....buying precious time for finding the next challenge.

Looking for an interesting gig and some design challenges. The road is wide open.

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